Post by Jeanne DouglasPost by h***@gmail.comPost by Christopher A. LeePost by maljPost by Jeanne DouglasPost by David CanziSeven billion is the number of people that could stand on Zanzibar.
Ahhh, great book.
Agree.... but I still worry about Heinlein's (sp?) politics...
They didn't make sense to me until I moved to the USA.
What's to worry about? Heinlein was a right-winger who died several
years ago. He was also an atheist. Plus, he wrote a lot of books that
weren't outright political, though several were in a fictional way.
I'm a leftie but I was influenced by his writing when I was a kid.
It wore off. But, I'll still go back and reread one of his books
every now and then - anything from The Day After Tomorrow (Sixth Column)
to Puppet Masters to The Door Into Summer. I like his early stuff best.
Heinlein is my very favorite!
And I would call him libertarian rather than right-wing. He wasn't at
all interested in controlling people's private lives.
Heinlein was my favorite sf writer for years - childhood and on into
my twenties. I was a little military monster when I was a kid, but
quickly outgrew that by my late teens. Still loved many of his books
and still do. (I actually wanted to go to the Air Force Academy, until
I realized that I was blind as a bat and couldn't do math. Of course
I was a Democrat because my parent were, But, that was also the same
time I realized that I really was a Democrat. Later on, I realized that
I was a Liberal and later still a Progressive.
I know that Heinlein was a Libertarian, but many Libertarians lean
toward the Republicans. Heinlein leaned more right than left, though
I truly doubt that he would support the loons running these days. He
was a strong atheist, and wouldn't put up with the current religious
nonsense. (And, I can just imagine what Asimov, another atheist, would
have to say about them, too.)