There be snipping here
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by Maggsyyes and what a female finds attractive is often a
mystery to men,many women find bad boys attractive,many of these end
up getting beat up,eyes gouged out,killed by their boy friends or on
the back of partners motorbikes. perhaps you could explain how
selecting that type of partner is beneficial to them passing on their
The syndrome is understood, no big deal. It's like religion in that if you
can convince them, through example or peers, they will be enablers
all their life without very good help.
translation in English please?
So human phsycology & soiacl dynamis are otehr fields you are ignorant of?
No shock, but ignorance can be cured, or at least, abated.
One time only. After all, according to less a personae as Herkules, the
gods help those that help themselves.
Start your web browser.
Go to a search engine site such as & then go to the
advanced search page.
type the phrase emotional abuse in the appropriate block
hit the search button.
Start sorting.
Other searches, sure.
Drug dependcy/addiction.
Abusive relationships
Given the depth of thinking skills yiou associate with yourself, about
three minutes to exhaust those sources. Then you can start on chemical
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonesnip
Post by MaggsyPost by sbalneavPost by MaggsyPost by DakotaThe creator god of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions is a male
clearly directed women to be subservient to men.
he is not male,he is Spirit.
Not according to the Abrahamic religions who portray him as
distinctly male.
you have misunderstood them,as i have said they are speaking
In spite, or to spite, your wishes, you are the confused one here.
Post by Maggsymetaphorically,you should not take the bible so literally,the bible
The evidence provided by the verses say otherwise. Not evidence of
validity, evidence of concept. To be blunt, there was no practical
choice if men were to become rulers & powermongers. The mother >> >> >>
goddessess had to go, & that included their stature as equal to or >> >>
superior to the gods.
Post by Maggsyyou have no evidence for these baseless assertions.
Then I take it, your study of the religions of mankind are absent as well
as your knowledge of the founding & enforcement of the xian myth. Color me
not surprised at all.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by Maggsymakes it very clear God is not a man,but Spirit.ï¿œ-ï¿œï
Post by walksaloneIt's ambigious. He can be either.
he can take the form of a man,yes,he has done before.
Not really, remember, no man has seen god. Well other than Moses being
mooned, the seventy elders, Enoch, such inconsequental persons. But your
gods, & it is gods, are as phoney as the rest of the lot. & a lot more
Your problem is I can read in context, & am willing to find out what that
context is. Not what I want it to be, is. There is a difference you can't
deal with where you are concerned. But don't worry, you have an excuse,
you arfe a believer.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyNew International Version (©1984)
Why that one, what makes it better or more accurate than any of the
Post by walksalone100 plus anthologies. Such as the following.
its not more accurate,no bible translation is 100% correct,but it does
Then to call it the word of a god is more than a bit pretensious. Assuming
the lie, it was written for you, is not a lie.
Post by Maggsynot have to be,it changes no major doctrine,its not like one
traslation says Jesus rose from the dead+another translates it he
didn' are making mountains out of molehills.
No, you are engageing in the standard apologeric BS of
That may what says but is not what it means. You are no ma'lk, let alone a
Just another typical bleater who's hole card is, Jesus died for you, which
is not even unique to xianity. The dieing resurecting gods of the
Medterainian basin are well known to those that are educaed in the field.
A field most xians are unaware of. Are you sure you are not in Alabama,
USA, & using a proxy?
Ah, & I see you inserted your text ahead of the evidence that your version
is just one out of many. Not good usenet etiquitte, but that doesn't
matter to those that pretend they have the right to speak of their gods,
whether or not they are welcome to do so.
This is the proper way to indicate that text you Are not responding to has
been removed.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneAAT The Complete Bible: An American Translation, by Edgar Goodspeed
Wyc Wycliffe
YLT Young's Literal Translation of the Bible download entire text
Post by MaggsyGod is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should
But he has lied, & IIRC, asked who would tell a lie for him.
where has he lied?
I take it you haven't read the Hebrew Bibnle in context. But wait,
apologetics rears its ugly head again. Blame the victim is the name of the
game you want, & a game I don't play.
Agakn your homework assignment is as follows. If you provide no critique,
you can be diamissed as a time waster.
Open your browser, the search for skeptics annotated bible or biblical
contradictions with a serach engine.
Failure to do so & verify you did more than open & close your browser will
defintely remove doubts about whether you are serious or just another droll
It's that simple.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by Maggsychange his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and
not fulfill? Numbers 23:19
All errors of course. Do you remember the flood, there have been
Not like the one that is a no show,
what are you trying to say?
Rather, what are you refusing to consider, & more importantly, why are you
refusing to consider.
The Noahcian flood, which is a retelling of the Gilgamesh flood story, did
not happen. Not that you will believe that if you nbeleive your god never
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneso that is a lie. Do you remember Jonah
& the lie told there.
so you say,prove it?
Actually, you prove it for me.
You could have said yes, & posted it. You could have said many things.
Again open your browser. is a good starting point, find the chapter where god
changes his miond, read it, do a history search, & don't tell that lie
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneAs well as the change of mind? Why not, or are
those, according to you, metaphors?
it was Jonah that changed his mind+the ppl of
Nineveh,not God,you badly mistaken.
No, I am not. This is typical of brainwashed people, & the subject of the
brainwashing is immaterial. A classioc edxample of the Stockholm Syndrome.
Post by MaggsyFailed prophesy is what they are,
So, you now have changed the catergory from metaphor to prophesy?
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneamong other things.
the prophecy was conditional on them repenting ,they did,so the
judgemnet did not come,God is not have alot to learn my
First of all, just so you know, we are not nor can we be friends. That is
a catergory of people you are unqualified to be in. You haven't done the
dance, you have not been in the right circumstances. Something you should
be grateful for.
Now, prophesy is not conditional. Threats are.
Do it the easy way, if you can.
Find out the best guess for the dates of the book of Jonah, & the fall of
Study both events.
Get back to the group with your understanding & some kind soul will explain
it to you.
No homework, a failing grade.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyPost by sbalneavOf course, like many fables, there's no evidence of "him" existing
at all
so you say,what do you mean by evidence?
No, so the evidence says. true, the concept is not agreeable to you, so
you lok for alternate definitiopns that stroke your ego.
what are you babbling about,i asled you for your definition of
evidence,you as usual ignored my question.stop wasting my time.
You engaged in a standard xian tactic, trying to divert what is a standard
piece of information to an endless red herring. A game I won't live long
enough to finish considering all the But what ifs that generates.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneBut evidence does
not change. A dead skunk in the middle of the road does not become a dead
lawyer just because someone wants the carcass to be ran over.
I rather assumed you would not get it. Don't worry over it, it's a
mystery. Rather like your gods.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyPost by sbalneavPost by Maggsylanguage breaks down when talking about God,he
is so far beyond our experience that language cannot do him
justice,when we use the word he we use it metaphorically,much in
the same way as some one might refer to a car as a he or she.
It's called anthromorphication & is done to humanise things, whether
they are real or not.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneThat you can accept, probably not. But then, when one's theme song for
life is the equivalent of once upon a time evidence is of no matter.
Close your eyes & it goes away.
is English your first language? or are you deliberately trying to
confuse because you have nothing to say?
Why no, but I suspect I have a better grasp of it, & how to used it than
you have displayed. Are you from the Islands of the South Pacific? or are
you just mimiking someone from there because of their language skills.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyPost by sbalneavPost by MaggsyOne male was allowed as many wives as he could support. No such god
would have made the sex act pleasurable for females as doing so could
encourage promiscuity. Which is reserved for males?
of course not.
Your posting history says you lie. After all, part of the claim to shame
for the revealed god of the desert is go forth & multiply.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyPost by sbalneavPost by Maggsythe same could be said for men. its pleasurable for men also,so
would be unfair for it not to be pleasurable for both sexes.
The senior revealed god of the desert is not noted for being fair to
haumainty according to its an thology.
so you say,as usual you have no evidence for your inane assertion.
& so you continue the Polly want a cracker act. Or, is it an act. It's
all you have to offer, nothing new there if that is the case.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyPost by sbalneavPost by MaggsyPost by DakotaSome Islamic sects continue to mutilate female children to
brutally remove the sensitive tissues primarily responsible for
female orgasm.
As is Judaism & xianity. Same god you see. Just confusion about the name.
you are the one who is confused,the God i believe in very different
from the Muslim God,Muslims dont believe Jesus was God for
The confusion is yours, & welcome to ikt you are. Xianity, or come to
that, any of the followers of the revealed gods of the desert don't even
pretend to follow their gods. They follow the priesthood, & it shows.
But then, I doubt you have what it takes to be an original follower of the
revealed gods of the desert. The later followers sure didn't, &
apologetics & confusion became the safe word of the day.
Post by really need to read up on what christians and Muslims
believe,you will not make yourself look so foolish then,hth.
Now why do I want to be as confued as you make yourself out to be?
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyPost by sbalneavAs is it's blood-sacrifice based sister religion, Christianity.
you have no evidence for this,in fact Jesus had the highest moral
But we do, or as much evidence for that as you have for bubba & big
daddy, llc. One piece of evidence is the history of xianity, which is
as bloody as Islam ever was.
you should not believe every one that claims to be a christian is
actaully a christian,this is your first mistake,as Jesus said,you will
know them by their fruits.
First of all, your myth says you are putting yourself above your gods.
Good luck with that one. I doubt if yiou m ake it past Adam with that
attitude. Remember, only the gods themselves know who the true beiever
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by Maggsyteaching.with out christians in the world,the world would be a much
worse place,many christians all over the world help the poor+help
Right, pull the other one. Around here, if you need food you had
best join the church or forget it.
Post by Maggsytheir community.and when i say Christians i mean those that
follow Jesus,practicing Christians,not those who claim to be
Ah, Angus, can you hear the bagpipes playing Auld Lang Syne, or would
that be
this is bad comparison,scots can be bad ppl.christians are followers
It's a logical fallacy you are commiting, & you are to obtuse, or ignorant,
to recognise it. But, then, bubba loves you & you love him. Does that
sound odd to the other members of the audience, or is it xianity's alpha
male song?
Post by Maggsyof Jesus,if they are following jesus then they do not kill,torture or
do evil things that some have done in Gods name,by definition these
But they do, & according to the priesthood, it's a good think to kill in
the name of god. Of course, if the churches get to keep the land, well so
much the better. The thing you are trying to excuse is the inherent greed
& what we call evil in humanity. Some of use don't neded the fear of
eternal punishment to be dewcent. Others, OTOH, are not so lucky. I
recommend you keep believing.
BTW, is that your definition, or gods definition?
Post by Maggsyare not christians,they are actaully anti christs because they do the
opposite of what Jesus said to do,they are not following Jesus.
According to you. But then, your grasp on the authenticity of the revealed
gods is somewhat teneous at best. & your understanding, well, that's not
so good either.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneEither way, that is a judgement saved for
bubba & big daddy. After Adam screens them of course.
you do have a gift for talking bollocks+no thats not a compliment,i do
Worse, I have the willingnes to write what I have learned & not sugar coat
it for those that like you, are blissfully ignorant of the actual history
of their so called religion.
Post by Maggsyknow how your ilk have a gift for misunderstanding folk like me.
Maybe that's because I don't mentally live on Fantasy Island?
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by Maggsychristians ,but do the opposite of everything Jesus stood for like
loving your enemies+forgiving ppl.
Sigh, the romance of ancient lore, never mind what was taught, or when.
yet more nonsense,care to translate. probably not.
Odd, you are the only one needing spoken/written English to be translated
to a level you can accept. Sadly for you, I haven't visited that basement
since, if your demonstrated skills in English are accurate indicators,
since I was about 7 years of age. So the questioon becomes, woluld you
understand it if it was explained to you? According to what I have read,
not likely.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyPost by sbalneavPost by MaggsyJesus on the other hand said love your
enemies,forgive your enemies,completly opposite of what many Muslims do.
A trait not exclusive to xians, or Islamics.
provide evidence of others doing this?
Read history, I get US$500.75 per 30 minute block to provide people, such
as yourself, that education. Paid in advance of course.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyPost by sbalneavThe God of the old testament wiped out the entire earth,
Seems pretty blood thirsty to me.
God can do what ever he wants,he God,its very arrogant to question
IOW, might makes right. Thank you, you may turn in your pop quiz to
the hall monitor on your way out.
another nonsense answer,why bother posting if your answers make no
It means you have relaibly demonstrated you have nothing to offer but
platitudes. I didn't realise how ignorant you were of colloquial language,
or its proper usage. Not that I am changeing for you.
Post by Maggsysense,is it because you believe we live in a nonsense universe?
It's nonsensed to you for a very real reason. You live in hopes of a
nonsense world that would inded be hell. Assuming the book of Revalation
is correct. But that is a goood thing in your mind.
No thanks, I agree with samuel Clemmins.
Heaven for climate
Hell for company.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyGod.God gives+God takes away,thats fair,only he has the right to do
According to spineless individuals, who you seem to associate
yourself with.
spineless? christians are not spineless,many christains have great
Spineless. When you take a stand to insure a one way ticket to paradise,
like the early martyrs of xianity, that is spineless.
Post by those who are being killed in North Korea by your fellow
atheist who no doubt have the same mentality as you do+show the same
Erm, my fellow what? Atheism is an individual wo does not grant a free
ride to one of humanitys more ridiculous claims, God. & they claim they
even know which one out of the 20,000+ gods of humanity.
They have so much faith in their gods piower, that they have had to enact
laws to insure its santicy.
Post by Maggsyhate for Christians that you do,those are the spineless individuals.
Do I, or is that your excuse for being a failure in your own mind. You
might want to watch that martyr complex, & forget trying to act humble.
You are just not that important.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneBut then, that makes sense when you recall the gods were invented in
mans image, for the sole puirpose of control over others.
again you have no evidence for this belief.
According to you, but that doesn't count for anything to anyone but
yourself. Read your history, if you dare.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneAt least, that
is the message from the mid-eastern revealed gods. From Zorastor to
snip for correction that whichever newsreader is being used by the op may
be able to read. US & English ascii is not always identical.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneel, to
ba'al, to yahweh, to allah. How can that be said, the evidence left
behind by the believers.
in English please?
It was & is. I don't tutor for less than 5000 US dollars per 30 minute
session. Can you afford the airfare?
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by MaggsyPost by sbalneavPost by Maggsyand so called Christians who claim to follow Jesus,but actaully
go the other way.
No True Scotsman fallacy.
already debunked,dont ignore,but of course you will.
Actually, you showed you didn't understand it, & lacked the ability to
figure out what it meant. Hint, you will encounter many terms that you are
not familiar with, in fact are ignorant of. That can be cured but you will
have to do it. No one needs to cater to you, a standard class D acting
troll. If you are not, show the group. Get serious, learn & then discuss.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksalonePost by Maggsythis is not a good comparison.a Scotsman are not by definition a good
person,they are the same as any other nation,they have good+bad
ppl. a >> > Christian by definition is a follower of Jesus. any one >>
who follows
Jesus loves their enemies,forgives their enemies,as Jesus said you
will no them by their fruits. just because some one says I'm a
Christian does not make them should not believe everything
ppl claim to be my friend.
Oh boy, we have a live one on chanel 1 for sure.
another nonsense response.
No, just an observation. Like a line I saw in a movie, Is it just me, or
are there more stupid people passing by lately? Without context,
meaningless. You are providing the context.
Post by MaggsyPost by walksaloneStill, it's been slow in the feeding pits lately. Likely to remain
so if this is the caliber of bleater this group attracts.
i forgive you for your insults,its been noted you failed to respond to
Quite frequently, those receiving advice or observations they don't want to
hear play the injured innocent. If you should think that highly of
yourself, remember, insults can only be insuting to you if you accept them
as the truth.
Post by Maggsymy argument again+started insulting me,roughly translated,i don't know
how to respond so i will give up+start abusing you now.
I don't need to, but I do realise that comments on your conduct and the
lack of quality in your argumentation can leave those, such as yourself,
with that feeling. After all, you know you are right. If you were wrong,
you would change your song & keep singing.
In any event, all you can do is beat the headless drum & proclaim your
brand of snake oil does work, in spite of the appearance of it not working
for you.
walksalone who is of a mind that this is a good troll, or frightfully, the
real thing. Almost a case of identical twins thinking.
I cannot conceive otherwise than that He, the Infinite Father, expects or
requires no worship or praise from us, but that He is even infinitely above
-Benjamin Franklin, statesman, author, and inventor (1706-1790)
For maggsy, Franklin was a deitst.